4. Running the programs

The software package EM1DFM contains 2 codes:

  • EM1DFM: carries out the inversion of small loop, frequency-domain EM data assuming a layered Earth model

  • EM1DFMFWD: a stand-alone program for forward modeling the frequency-domain response assuming a layered Earth model

4.1. Command Prompt/Terminal Syntax

Both programs in the package can be executed within Windows or Linux environments. They can be run by typing the program name followed by the main input file name into the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux); the program and main input file are separated by a space.


For success, ensure the following:

  • That the current directory in the command line is the same as the directory where the main input file and all supporting files are located

  • That you have pathed the location of the EM1DFM and/or EM1DFMFWD to you environment variables (only if you want to avoid entering the entire filepath of the executable)

  • That the formatting of the main input file and all supporting files are correct

4.2. Command Prompt/Terminal Outputs

Upon execution, outputs are displayed through the command prompt/terminal to indicate whether the program is running successfully. If there are errors, the output message will indicate the nature of the error. When running an inversion, the command prompt/terminal will display status messages. Status messages are are described in the Standard Output section.